Friday, August 23, 2013

Battle Scar

I used to dream that everyone
would be happy.
A place filled with no hatred,
no chaos, and no pain.
Somehow, the freedom to dream 
all went down stream.
All washed away in the waters,
not even reflecting its remnants.

What once was a dream,
now became dark.
Darkest skies I shall say,
not even a speck of light
shining through.
A storm has just arrived.
And it comes with a loud cry.
The cry of angst,
like endless thunder
rumbling through the night.

Many storms shall pass,
but a certain storm will stay.
It stays inside of my flesh,
remaining dormant until shaken.
Once outside, it produces tears
like rain falling from the skies.
With painful thoughts,
haunting me all over again.
Wishing I could let the words out, 
but to remain silent is the route,
for this battle scar will never be won.

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